Archive | June, 2012

Why Do People Invest in Real Estate?

As mentioned in a previously article “the flow of money” money tends to flow in the path of least resistance. At the end, government officials with the financial bribes of lobbyists groups foolishly decide where investments should be re-directed instead of the free-market at the bennifit of major corporations. For instance, Real –Estate in Canada and in […]

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Posted in Housing Bubble84 Comments

Economic Stimulus From the FED – Twist 2.0

As inflation was tame, stocks prices went lower, and unemployment higher, many investors thought that another round of Quantitative Easing would be on the top of Fed chairman Ben Bernanke’s to-do list. Instead the FED once again reintroduced Operation Twist where a swapping of short- and long-term bonds, would lower the longer term bond yields […]

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Posted in Economic Crisis, US Dollar Collapse266 Comments

How Will Canada Be Affected by US Inflation?

Much has been stated about the stability of the US Dollar in recent year, as the federal reserve continues to pursues reckless economic polices i.e. using the printing press at full speed to inflate the money supply. Printing currency destroys the value period of money. Although, how will other fiat currencies par with the debasement […]

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Posted in US Dollar Collapse1,998 Comments

Bank Bailouts Favour Malinvestments

In our modern economic age of fractional reserve banking, bank bailouts are occurring at a global level, albeit with predominant frequency in Europe and the Unites States. The ideology that a bank can be bailed out and suffer little to no consequences is a fallacy which only undermines the general economy as a whole. There […]

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Posted in Economic Crisis, Gold and Silver, US Dollar Collapse515 Comments

How The Reserve Currency Remains Powerful

  The single most important item that the US government must protect is the US Dollar from losing its fate and confidence as the reserve currency. This reserve currency was founded on the basis that it was “as good as gold” and constituted as real money; however, this ideology is quickly being deteriorated as today’s […]

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Posted in Gold and Silver, US Dollar Collapse539 Comments

Mortgage Backed Securities For Dummies

The concept of a mortgage backed security (MBS) is essentially a financial derivative of a pool of mortgages. Here is a short video explaining the concept of a mortgage backed security. As the video clip explains an MBS is a multiple-packaged mortgage loans to make another security. This process is known as securitization. These mortgage-backed […]

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Posted in Housing Bubble1,801 Comments

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