Tag Archive | "Fractional Reserve Banking"

US Debt Crisis – How High Will It Go?

The implications of the US debt crisis are not well understood in most circles, and it is not widely spoken about in the media and during important political debates. The irony is that the US debt is so significant that it plays a monumental role in finance and modern political strategy. The debt poses great […]

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Posted in Economic Crisis, US Dollar CollapseComments (2,196)

Canadian Banking System Exposed

Despite what is commonly understood, the Canadian banking system is  as strong and resilient as most people might assume. According to the World Economic Forum, Canada is ranked #1 in the world for “the most sound banking system in the world”. I am not sure what world they live in, though. The Canadian banking system is no […]

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Oh Canada Movie – Our Bought And Sold Out Land

Title: Oh Canada Movie – Our Bought And Sold Out Land Year: 2009 [rate] This 2009 entertaining documentary film explores the history of banking, the selling out of the prosperity of Canada, the clearance sale of Canadian businesses and the political liquidation of public infrastructures to the multi-national corporate oligarchy. How has this led to […]

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Posted in Housing Bubble, VideosComments (1,898)

The Ponzi Scheme in Canada’s Housing Bubble

Canadian mortgage requirements tightened in recent weeks from a maximum amortization period of 30 years to 25 years, the consequences of which will serve to undermine the currently bloated real-estate market as less buyers will be able to enter into the market as mortgages become more expensive (assuming a same down payment). How is this […]

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Fractional Reserve Banking System

Most people believe that banks safeguarded their deposits in their vaults and maintain a liquidity ratio on or about 100%. In other words, banks only lend out the money which they had on deposits. However, today’s banking system reality is far different, posing a great risk for all economies going forward. What is a Fractional […]

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Posted in Housing Bubble, US Dollar CollapseComments (1,594)

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