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World Reserve Currencies: What Happened During Previous Periods of Transition?

World Reserve Currencies: What Happened During Previous Periods of Transition?

  The decline of the US dollar hegemony is ever so clear today and this article aims to provide the reader with what exactly happened during past periods of reserve currency transitions. Historically, when a reserve currency transitioned over to a new one, it marked a pivotal change for the world. The economic paradigm shifted […]

Black Swan Events For The US Dollar Collapse

In my previous article, I mentioned the first nine “black swan” events that could collapse the US dollar. Actually, there are so many potential events that may trigger a reverse in psychology in individuals that there is no way to know exactly which event will be the catalyst. “In retrospect, the spark might seem as […]

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Posted in Featured, US Dollar Collapse

Canada’s Housing Bubble Statistics: February 2013

Here are the latest price statistics for Canada’s housing market. Price statistics refer to the updated numbers for the month of January 2013. Declines were again seen in all sectors and regions except for (Montreal townhouses and Regina Condos) The aggregate price for all sectors and major regions in Canada declined again in January 2013, […]

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Posted in Housing Bubble

US Dollar Collapse? Here Are 9 Ways It Could Happen

We all know that the US dollar is losing value through inflation every year; in fact,  the dollar has lost over 97% of its purchasing power over the last century. When “real money” (i.e. backed up with intrinsic value) was used, a cup of coffee in the 1920s costed about a few cents. In a […]

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Posted in Featured, US Dollar Collapse

Allodial Title on Precious Metals?

In my previous article on allodial titles and property rights, I stated that a true allodial title that would provide you with full ownership of your land does not exist today, or at least not in North America. During times of economic crisis, governments tend to increase regulations and raise fees and taxes, especially on property […]

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Posted in Featured, Gold and Silver

Allodial Title on Land – You Wish You Had This

An allodial title constitutes ownership of real property that is independent to any superior power. In the Middle Ages, allodial titles were sometimes granted: these people obtained land without feudal duties (i.e. taxes). Here is the definition of ‘allodial’ in Black’s Law Dictionary. “Land held absolutely in one’s own right, and not of any lord […]

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Posted in Economic Crisis, Featured, Housing Bubble

Canadian Housing Bubble: Is it Time for a CRASH?

While the mainstream media is only now beginning to acknowledge a dip in real-estate price evaluations in Canada. We have been raising the flag about this for over a year. According to The Economist, Canada’s housing market is the most over-valued in the world when analyzing its rents and income to price. “Overvaluation is especially marked […]

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Posted in Featured, Housing Bubble

Taxing the Rich Doesn’t Work

Notorious libertarian Peter Schiff rants about the hypocrisy of Warren Buffet’s comments about the reasoning for raising the tax on the rich. Warren Buffet continuously misleads people into believing that he is paying a lower tax rate than his secretary. However, this is true only in terms of his personal income tax, as Warren Buffet […]

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Posted in Economic Crisis, Featured

Chinese Yuan V.S. SDR – Who Will Be the Heavyweight Campion of The WORLD?

A reserve currency has never lasted forever and the US Dollar is no exception, especially considering its seriously grave trade and debt imbalances. A country can only go so far with its imbalances, and today the US is the largest debtor nation in the history of the world. The fate of the US surely lies […]

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Posted in Featured, US Dollar Collapse

Canada’s Housing Bubble Statistics: January 2013

Here are the latest price statistics for Canada’s housing market. Price statistics refer to the updated numbers for the month of December 2012. Declines were again seen in all sectors and regions except for (Montreal townhouses and Regina Condos) The aggregate price for all sectors and major regions in Canada declined again in December 2012, […]

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Posted in Housing Bubble

Warren Buffett on Gold

In a 2011 interview, esteemed investor Warren Buffett criticized gold for being a useless metal: “all the above ground gold would make a cube that is 67 ft tall and worth $7 trillion dollars. For $7 trillion dollars…you could have all the farmland in the United States, you could have about seven Exxon-Mobil, and you […]

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Posted in Gold and Silver

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